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Moms n' Tots

Thursday Mornings 9:30-11:30AM. Drop in program for Moms and Kids focusing on fun and fellowship! Coffee and snacks are always on.

Everyone welcome!


Learn the basics of the Christian Faith from the Bible and Luther's Small Catechism. It is a family program that runs September to June.

Sunday School

Sunday mornings after the 10AM church service.

This program follows the school year and takes a summer break.Coffee fellowship is on for parents at the same time.

Social Ministry Team

Volunteering monthly at Riverside Mission

serving suppers to hungry people. We really like

Matthew 25:35


After every Sunday worship service the coffee is on in the fellowship hall!  There are always weekly refreshments and merriment as well as monthly potluck dinners!

AV Team

Running the Computer and Cameras and Sound for Sunday Services. If you have tech skills, we need you! Join the team today!


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