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NEW Update on Church Services for July

Updated: Oct 14, 2020

 The Elders and President met with Pastor John on Thursday night and decided to make a change in our reopening plan.

Full Divine Services will begin on Sunday, July 19 and continue every week from then on. You will NOT need to preregister for services starting July 19. All members can attend, subject to personal health and directions for seating in the building. The Elders will keep a list of people attending so that any follow-up due to illness can be done. Hand sanitizing instructions will be posted and communicated for safety protocols. Please do NOT attend if you are not feeling well. Masks are optional. There is no singing unless you are wearing a mask. Communion will be available for all who desire to receive it. There will be a special procedure for communion distribution explained on Sunday mornings.

The services on July 5 and July 12 will be special services to help us develop proper protocols. The number of people who can register is now increased to 50. Members are encouraged to pre-register for ONE of the services [either July 5 or July12] so that you can become familiar with the new procedures for safe "in building" church services. Please follow signs and instructions when you come to church. Pre-register by email or phoning the church office [306-692-9078]. Your attendance at one of these services will help us prepare for full services later in the month.

There will be a Call Meeting during the service on Sunday, July 26 to vote to call a new pastor. The vote will be by secret ballot at the end of the service, Instructions will be explained on July 26. People are asked to bring a pen or pencil to mark their own ballot. All communing members are eligible to vote. You must be present on July 26 to vote. There must be at least 50 people voting for a proper election.

Information on the 3 pastors on the ballot will be available at the church starting Sunday, July 5.

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